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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Winter Beer is Here!

Tonight, I felt the first real frigid temperatures of the season while waiting for the bus. I even saw my first puddle turned to ice. It is a bad sign, half-way through November, since we have December, January, February and most of March to go yet. But there is a silver lining in this dark, cold cloud: winter beer.

Winter beer is heartier than other kinds and other seasons. I feel like you can really taste it, not just drink it. Magic Hat has some of my favorite winters, including the Roxy Rolles, a hoppy amber, and Sierra Nevada will soon be releasing their award-winning Celebration Ale, which is my favorite Christmas gift. Even Harpoon Winter Warmer, which isn't hard to find, unless your local liquor store is sold out, like mine was, is much better than the average beer. these go with your traditional holiday foods, too, so fear not. No one will think you strange for drinking them at the table. The Harpoon is better with your desserts, though, apple pies and pumpkin pies and such. And finally, for my favorite beer label ever, the Smuttynose Winter Ale. Another amber, the Smutty Winter is probably the most warming and mellow of the bunch, and at 4.8%, feel free to have a few.

So, get out and enjoy the season, and the seasonals. These are just a few of the good ones, but, hey, we're just warming up. Hopefully.

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